Stiffy Makane: Apocolocyntosis — 74 of 235

One of the Bruces and Drunken Bastard

Release 1

Book Two - "Oceanography"

Table of Ports

"Ostia""Ostia""Ostia"Dockside"yes"0", arriving without incident at Ostia."roman_sky_scenery
"Carthage/Carthago/Karthago""Carthage""Syracuse"Syracuse"no"0", but you encounter a fierce storm west of Sicily. You vomit miserably as Palinurus has himself lashed to his chair and sailors scurry about in a near-panic. After many horrific hours, the [italic type]Golden Ass[roman type] limps into the Syracuse harbor."carthage_sky_scenery
"Syracuse/Syracusa""Syracuse""Syracuse"Syracuse"no"0", sailing across waters initially smooth as glass, but worsening as a storm moves in, to Syracuse."syracuse_sky_scenery
"Cumae/Cuma""Cumae""Cumae"Cumae"no"0", sailing placidy to Cumae."Cumean_sky_scenery
"Jaffa/Judaea/Judea""Jaffa""Jaffa"Jaffa"no"0", rocking through choppy seas on the journey to Judaea."Judaean_sky_scenery
"Alexandria/Egypt""Alexandria""Alexandria"Alexandrine Wharf"no"0", heading south as the weather grows hotter, eventually reaching the Great Harbor in Alexandria."Egyptian_sky_scenery
"Thessalonica/Thessalonika/Thessaloniki/Salonica/Saloniki/Salonika""Thessalonica""Thessalonica"Thessalonica"no"0", skirting the Greek coast up to Macedonia."generic_sky_scenery